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WcP.Publisher's blog
New Year, New Site
New Year's greetings, dear readers!
2018 marked the 10th anniversary of World Culture Pictorial online journal, and we’re ringing in 2019 by relaunching the site with a more mobile-friendly and other features for your viewing enjoyment:
The archives from 2008 to 2018 can still be found here at whereas all new entries will be posted at the new site going forward.
A big Thank-You and a very Happy New Year to all!
Publisher, WcP Blog
2018. First print release: One Step Wiser - World Culture Pictorial Online Journal Vol. 01, 02, 03, and 04
Step by step, into tomorrow. And so much to learn from yesterday.
2008-2018. 10-year journey of reflection. Cosmos is grand, comprehensive reading is twin to broad vision. Thus, World Culture Pictorial® Journal Collection - from poetry to policy, high tech to legends, endless wrestling of global powers... Cutting humour, rich content, exquisite art images, top quality press - one-of-a-kind book will draw you in.
An unique feature of WcP Journal Collection (192-page Volume 1, 196-page Volume 2, 170-page Volume 3, 190-page Volume 4) is to bring classic poems into technology-driven life. Classic poets found their philosophy in Nature (Lord Tennyson: "a half-glance upon the sky," Lewis Carroll: "great solitude"), and lived with passion (Lord Byron: "though I cannot be beloved, still let me love ").
Enjoy reading phenomena beyond horizon?
This uncommon WcP journal collection is for you!
First print 2018, top quality full-color press.
Available via Barnes & Noble, Amazon and other book stores, or buy direct with discount..
2018. Hardcover release on Pi Day (Einstein's Birthday): "Book of L" - Quotable Wit and Wisdom
Legacy of Latin Fiat Lux "Let there be Light," like lightning, inspiring minds from ancient Rome to digital age, at this moment sheds light onto this Book of L.
"L," a magic ring, holds key words about Life. Book of L sees L in Quotation, L in Latin Motto, and L in Poem, heritage to all.
Latin: "Lumen Ad Viam."
Buddha: "Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared."
Therefore, dedication to Light three lit candles, three Books of L.
First hardcover print, 122 pages: 2018
Books of L, first of its kind, classy, artistic, top quality full-color press.
Available via
Barnes & Noble and Amazon, or buy direct with discount.
"Two Steps Wiser" ebook release to celebrate a wonderful New Year: a very happy 2017 to all!
*NEW release*
Two Steps Wiser - World Culture Pictorial Online Journal Vol. 02
by Dean Goodluck
Available via Apple iBookstore/iTunes and Kobo eBooks.
Happy New Year!