You are hereBlogs / WcP.Scientific.Mind's blog / Oceans give life, cover 72% of Earth, but less than 1% of Ocean protected. Depletion & pollution. Man puts Nature in distress
Oceans give life, cover 72% of Earth, but less than 1% of Ocean protected. Depletion & pollution. Man puts Nature in distress
Every second breath we take comes from the ocean. Every drop of water we drink connects us to Nature, especially the ocean.
The ocean is not just water, it’s alive, and it’s our life support system. Oceans provide more than half of the oxygen we breathe. Yet we do harm to our host; 90% of big fish are gone, 20% of coral reefs are gone...
Oceans cover 72% of earth and land covers 28% of earth -
12% of land is protected while less than 1% of oceans are protected...

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I totally agree with all the facts presented and i am a great ocean lover and always ready to help the aquatic species to live in a better way. We work for the welfare of the ocean cleanness and hope to get our oceans cleaner than ever.
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Once, I switch on the TV to watch some channels that regularly feeds us with informative about wild and aquatic life, I am disappointing to know that the heavy accumulation of pollutants in the sea has cause great harm to aquatic creatures. We should use our brains to avoid any negligence on our part that creates problems of the other organisms.
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The video is well done and has an impressive message.My friend, as a student at">video production New York has done many videos to support the fight against nature poluation and to keep animals natural habitats intact.
The Philippines is known as pearl of the orient seas because of the treasures that can be found on its oceans. I could say that there are many parts of it that are already neglected and are not being protected thus the depletion of its richness. When we had the" rel="do follow">millionaire mind intensive seminar in that country late last year, good thing that we were still able to see virgin parts that has a lot of unique sea creatures. So fun to watch.
Prevention of marine water pollution emphasizes on identifying the various ocean pollution causes and finding a solution for them. These include
* Ensuring that there is no leakage of crude oil from tankers by regular monitoring of vessels by proper agencies.
* Declaring deliberate discharge of crude oil by vessels and industrial waste by industries on land as an offense with a significant penalty.
* Ensuring that garbage produced by humans is treated properly instead of just dumping it in the oceans.
* Ensuring that the amount of air pollution, which causes phenomena such as acid rain, is lessened if not totally curbed.
* Understanding the importance of marine life for us and making sure that we don't cause harm to them.
More importantly, rather than just talking about such measures, proper implementation at all the levels has to be ensured if we intend to make the crusade of 'clean oceans' successful.
Well... that's interesting but to be honest i have a hard time figuring it... wonder how others think about this..">term paper
Since oceans are the largest ecosystems on Earth, they are the largest life support systems. To survive and prosper we need healthy oceans. The diversity and productivity of the world’s oceans is a vital interest for humankind. Our security, our economy, our very survival all requires healthy oceans.
This was a very eye opening video. It's made an impact on me. We're so unaware of the things that we do every day can destroy our ecosystem. The statistics are mind blogging especially the fact that 90% of big fish are gone. We need to stop this somehow. I'm going to spread this page to my mutual friends. Thanks for this
Joseph Nguyen
Brother SE400
Not understanding. The specific gravity (sg) of the water in the gulf at 82F is 1.023 and the SG of heavy crude at 82F is .83. So, naturally the oil rises? to the top. That's a difference of almost .2 SG. That's huge! The oil would sit on top the water surface and then be skimmed. Why use corexit to suspend in water column. To "hide" the oil from the people? Your not desolving the oil with corexit, just breaking bonds. Same oil in water, just not as visible. Way to go BP. Great video.