You are here2018. First print release: One Step Wiser - World Culture Pictorial Online Journal Vol. 01, 02, 03, and 04 /
2018. First print release: One Step Wiser - World Culture Pictorial Online Journal Vol. 01, 02, 03, and 04
Step by step, into tomorrow. And so much to learn from yesterday.
2008-2018. 10-year journey of reflection. Cosmos is grand, comprehensive reading is twin to broad vision. Thus, World Culture Pictorial® Journal Collection - from poetry to policy, high tech to legends, endless wrestling of global powers... Cutting humour, rich content, exquisite art images, top quality press - one-of-a-kind book will draw you in.
An unique feature of WcP Journal Collection (192-page Volume 1, 196-page Volume 2, 170-page Volume 3, 190-page Volume 4) is to bring classic poems into technology-driven life. Classic poets found their philosophy in Nature (Lord Tennyson: "a half-glance upon the sky," Lewis Carroll: "great solitude"), and lived with passion (Lord Byron: "though I cannot be beloved, still let me love ").
Enjoy reading phenomena beyond horizon?
This uncommon WcP journal collection is for you!
First print 2018, top quality full-color press.
Available via Barnes & Noble, Amazon and other book stores, or buy direct with discount..