You are hereFlawless and faultless beauty - seals: creatures of Nature, children of Snow. Photo: cutest adorable baby seal with big smile /
Flawless and faultless beauty - seals: creatures of Nature, children of Snow. Photo: cutest adorable baby seal with big smile
*update* 04 August 2014 DailyMirror: Surfing SEAL surprises duo by climbing on board and riding the waves for almost an hour
*update* 12 March 2013
What's wrong with us? Who are we to stand by and watch the brutal clubbing of flawless and faultless beauty - seals: creatures of Nature, children of Snow? From StopTheSealHunt: "Sadly, in Canada close to 300,000 poor, defenseless baby seal pups (most between 2 weeks and 3 months of age) are brutally murdered every year in the annual, government-sanctioned commercial seal hunt - all for the sake of fashion, vanity, politics, money and greed. Many are even skinned alive while conscious. (What kind of heartless human being could even think of doing such a thing!?)"
Meet the incredible smiling seal!
This Canadian Harp Seal is a little star as he poses wildlife photographer Keren Su in this remarkable snap. Keren shot the enchanting images in the remote Iles de la Madeleine in Eastern Canada. He had to travel by helicopter to the distant area and cross the ice to the seals by crawling on his stomach. With unpredictable weather and not to mention working with animals the 60-year-old showed incredible patience to capture the seal pup at play.
The father-of-one admitted he felt most at home in freezing temperatures coming face-to-face with the wintry wildlife. 'I was only allowed a limited time with the seals and in order to get the pictures I wanted I had to crawl on the ice so the pups wouldn't be afraid of a huge stranger. After they had gotten used to my smell I could get closer and closer until my camera was right in front of them. When they became relaxed they would behave in the cutest ways imaginable.'
'They are only white for a small window of ten days but they are lovely with huge black eyes and fuzzy white hair. They looked directly at me and I could practically see the question mark above their heads.
Video: A Cute Baby Seal Pup
Cute, eh? Sadly, in Canada close to 300,000 poor, defenceless baby seal pups (most between 2 weeks and 3 months of age) are brutally murdered every year in the annual, government-sanctioned commercial seal hunt - all for the sake of fashion, vanity, politics, money and greed. Many are even skinned alive while conscious.
(What kind of heartless human being could even think of doing such a thing!?)
97 percent of the seals killed over the past three years have been less than 3 months old with the majority being JUST a FEW WEEKS old i.e THEY'RE BABIES! At the time of slaughter, many of these pups have not yet eaten their first solid meal or taken their first swim.
Polls consistently show that most Canadians oppose this 'hunt', but still the Canadian government and fishing industry refuse to end it.
These beautiful creatures have every right to live life and need all the help & support they can get.
Click here for more details and to find out how to help.
...quote from Gandhi:
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by how well its animals are treated."- Mahatma Gandhi
Photos courtesy Keren Su / Lonely Planet Images / Caters