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Egypt: Photos of the Year. Stunning moments: One against an army; One to prevent tank fr rolling into Liberation Square in Cairo

Egypt Protest - One Against An Army
Egypt protest - one against an army.

2011, Egypt: protest lies down in front of tank
An anti-Hosni Mubarak protester lies down in the streets to prevent an Egyptian tank from entering Liberation Square in Cairo, Egypt, on Thursday and knocking down one the the barricades set up by the protesters to keep back pro-Mubarak forces.


Images courtesy of asia blues / Flickr / and NewsObserver

"Brutality to an animal is cruelty to mankind". China bans all 300 animal circuses; zoos "stop abusing animals or be shut down"

lion confined in a cage

Ringling circus: a baby elephant is tied up, prodded and electro-shocked

China bans animal circuses

tigers get burned jumping through flaming hoops

a baby elephant is being trained to perform a lie-down / sit-up


"Brutality to an animal is cruelty to mankind - it is only the difference in the victim." ~ Alphonse de Lamartine

China Bans Animal Circuses; How About the Rest of the World? A huge step for animals in China. How about animals in circuses and zoos in other countries?

China announced a ban on animal circuses this week—all 300 state-owned ones of them. It's a huge step for animals, considering how they're treated at circuses—and in zoos—not only in China but around the world.

"In many circuses, wild and exotic animals are trained through the use of intimidation and physical abuse. Former circus employees have reported seeing animals beaten, whipped, poked with sharp objects and even burned to force them to learn their routines. Elephants who perform in circuses are often kept in chains for as long as 23 hours a day from the time they are babies." -  read more »

We'll be judged tomorrow by what we do today. Unicorn whales help humans..humans hunt whales & seals. Planet needs more Eco hero

Narwhals breaching through a polynya, or hole in the Arctic sea ice.

Canadian seal hunters lose bid to lift EU import ban

Whale Warrior - Pete Bethune


Warmer Arctic spells colder winters. 'Unicorn' whales do scientists favor by taking Arctic temp
It's no secret that the proverbial canary in the climate change mine is the Arctic. As National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) administrator Jane Lubchenco noted when her organization launched its annual Arctic Report Card last week,“To quote one of my NOAA colleagues, ‘whatever is going to happen in the rest of the world happens first, and to the greatest extent, in the Arctic.’”

But, even as the Arctic warms, seemingly irrevocably, it is still a formidable environment in which to operate, particularly in the winter. The coasts of Greenland, in particular, act as pathways for ice from the Arctic Ocean, as a result of which winter research expeditions can require icebreaking vessels that cost millions of dollars to charter.

Consequently, in some areas, such as Baffin Bay, a large area between northeast Canada and southwest Greenland, winter data have been scarce -- or, in the words of Mike Steele of the University of Washington, "there was this gigantic, embarrassing hole."

Narwhal_satellite That hole is now being filled - thanks to narwhals, medium-size whales, endemic to the Arctic, known as unicorns of the seas because of the single, spiralling tusk found in males.  read more »

"We can't let fear beat us." - Valles Garcia, 20, top cop in Mexico Drug Corridor, "tired of everyone being afraid"

20-year-old swears in as new police chief of the border town of Praxedis G. Guerrero, near Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

Marisol Valles Garcia will try to balance duties as police chief of a violent Mexican town with her studies in criminology

Valles Garcia, who is the mother of a baby boy, said she took the job to change her community. "We're all afraid in Mexico now. We can't let fear beat us," she said after being sworn in. The district has 9,148 inhabitants, and a police force of nineteen. Valles Garcia says she intends to hire more women, and focus on community outreach and prevention. In the near city of Juarez, she's called by locals "La Adelita", a suitable nickname since it was the iconic figure of courageous women in times of the 1910 Mexican Revolution.

CNN: 20-year-old woman becomes top cop in violent Mexican municipality. Valles Garcia, a criminology student, became the police chief this week of Praxedis G. Guerrero, one of the most violent municipalities in the border state of Chihuahua. She was the only person who accepted the top job in a police force whose officers have been abducted and even killed.

"Yes, there is fear," Valles Garcia said Wednesday in an interview with CNN en Español. "It's like all human beings. There will always be fear, but what we want to achieve in our municipality is tranquility and security."

20-year old woman stands up to drug cartels  read more »

Calm & courageous leadership led 32 men through darkest hours: 70 days. He's the last of 33 trapped Chilean miners rescued

Chilean trapped miner rescue 2010
Residents observe the rescue of the miners trapped in the San Jose mine, on a large screen in a public square in Copiapo October 12, 2010.

capsule carrying rescued Chilean miner in San Jose
The capsule carrying a rescued miner arrives to the surface from the collapsed mine where he was trapped with 32 other miners for over two months near Copiapo, Chile on Oct. 13, 2010.

family members joyous to see rescued Chilean miner
Family members approach the capsule containing miner Richard Villaroel as he is rescued from the collapsed mine.

Luis Urzua, the last miner to be rescued, next to Chile's President Sebastian Pinera
Miner Luis Urzua, the last miner to be rescued, center wearing green, celebrates next to Chile's President Sebastian Pinera after being rescued from the collapsed San Jose mine on Wednesday Oct. 13, 2010. The 69-day underground ordeal reached its end Wednesday night after 33 trapped miners were hauled up one by one in a cage through a narrow hole drilled through 2,000 feet of rock.

rescued Chilean miner prays after being rescued from collapsed mine
Trapped miner Esteban Rojas kneels to pray after reaching the surface to became the 18th to be rescued from the San Jose mine in Copiapo October 13, 2010.  read more »

World's oldest man turns 114, reveals secrets to longevity: work hard, eat less, and be kind to one another

World’s oldest man turns 114, shares secrets to longevity


The oldest man in the world has celebrated his 114th birthday with a slice of cake and few pearls of wisdom.
Walter Breuning gave a short speech telling the guests at a small gathering on Tuesday what they all wanted to know - the secret of living a long life.

But for anybody who thinks you can have such a good innings without effort, they are in for a surprise.

Hard work, according to Mr Breuning, is the key to living a long time, and he should know. The pensioner held down a management job until he was 99, meaning he has spent longer working than some people have lived their whole lives.

His other advice was to watch what you eat, which has caused him to cut down to two meals a day.

He also tells those younger than him to be kind to others. ‘When you help someone else, you're actually helping yourself even more,’ he said.

Mr Breuning was born on September 21, 1896 in the rural town of Melrose in Minnesota. He moved to Great Falls, Montana in 1918, where he has stayed ever since. He worked for more than 50 years for the Great Northern Railway, saw some 20 U.S. Presidents come and go, lived in three centuries and survived two World Wars - although he served in neither because he not called up or was considered too old to fight, one of his few regrets.

World's oldest man marks 114th birthday in U.S.
Walter Breuning urged people to rely on their faith in a speech he delivered in Great Falls on his 114th birthday Tuesday. Breuning is verified by two groups as the world's oldest man.  read more »

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We return to the earth.
And in between we garden."
- Author Unknown

"If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need."
- Cicero

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