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Bravo! Rescue mission accomplished! Elephant Mom&Aunt (no words exchanged) spring into action, save calf from drowning
June 21, 2017 - Bravo! Rescue mission accomplished! Elephant Mom and Aunt (no word exchanged!) spring into action to save calf from drowning in pool
After a baby elephant fell into a pool at a zoo in South Korea, two adult elephants came to save the day. Video from the incident shows the calf, Hope, drinking from the pool next to her mom before falling over the edge and into the water at the Seoul Grand Park Zoo.
Hope's aunt saw what was happening from the other side of the pool, and was seen lumbering over to help. The two adults rushed into the pool and worked together to lead Hope in the right direction, guiding the calf to a shallow end of the pool where it could climb out. Zoo officials said no elephants were injured.
Amazing! The in-time action, rescue mission is beautifully done without the convenience of language - no single word could be yelled out for help, or exchanged for rescue coordination.

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