You are hereBlogs / WcP.System.Thinker's blog / 488 hrs of footage, shocking aerial shots - Earth depleted & destroyed fast & faster - docu film HOME'09 covers 50 nations
488 hrs of footage, shocking aerial shots - Earth depleted & destroyed fast & faster - docu film HOME'09 covers 50 nations
Faster & faster. In the last 50 years, massive depletion of Earth has been destroying a fragile balance in Nature, essential to life, putting all human beings in check: shall we act before too late to save Earth, home for all? ... Ice is melting, poles diminishing, sea level rising, Greenland fresh water pouring into the ocean & becoming salt water, severe draughts lingering, 1 out of 10 major rivers incapable of reaching the sea, 20% of Amazon deforested due to demand on soy manufacturing to feed livestock... What is the real terror threatening our home, depriving our children’s chance to survive? It is the destructive depletion of Earth that has been destroying our planet, faster & faster. Driven by Greed. Shall we act before too late to save Earth, home of all?
(click on image to see the documentary on Youtube)
This is post is amazing. I come to know about the fact regarding nature. Due to the modern lifestyle, we are destroying nature and it is affecting our living planet earth. We have to think and act on it seriously. This documentary opens our eyes. We have to create awareness among people. Everyone has to take initiative for that. We have to read in-depth about this. I have found some good articles related to such topics on"> essay writing service USA