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"Thank you, Teddy (Edward Kennedy), for fighting for my civil rights." Farewell to all Kennedy brothers, all with courage!

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By WcP.Story.Teller - Posted on 30 August 2009

Left: Kennedy brothers – 1960: John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy & Edward Kennedy. Bottom right: Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. in his pilot's gear. The eldest of nine siblings, he died in a plane crash on a volunteer mission during World War II at age of 29.


Remember Ted Kennedy, liberal icon, as he did Bobby: "My brother need not be idealized or enlarged in death beyond what he was in life, to be remembered simply as a good and decent man, who saw wrong and tried to right it, saw suffering and tried to heal it, saw war and tried to stop it." Ted Kennedy, a faithful Catholic & Lion of the Senate, politician fighting legislative battles for 47 years on behalf of the less fortunate, is buried at Arlington National Cemetery, Washington, D.C., next to his two brothers.

Chris Mason, of Cambridge, Mass., carries his hand written sentiments along the procession route, ‘Thank you, Teddy, for fighting for my civil rights.’ Bostonians lined up along the route to pay their respects to their senator & his family; Inset: Ted Kennedy, the ‘Lion of the Senate,’ died on Aug 25, 2009 at 77

The Brother Who Mattered Most - the ‘Lion of the Senate,’ Ted Kennedy was serving his eighth full term (his ninth overall) in Congress when he died. During his time in office, he wrote more than 300 bills that have been enacted into law. He spent much of his legislative career lobbying for improvements in the health-care system. ‘The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die.’ - addressing the Democratic National Convention in New York City on Aug. 12, 1980.

Olivia Kelly, 8, left, and Dion Osborne, 11, rear, hold signs in memory of Sen. Kennedy at a candle light vigil in Miami.

Ted Kennedy called a man of quiet faith

Sen. Edward "Ted" Kennedy often said it was his mother's Catholic faith that guided his family's political agenda. He used Scripture in his push to end poverty and discrimination. He didn't wear his faith on his sleeve, but those close to him say Catholicism was much more than an ethnic and cultural identity. "My favorite parts of the Bible were always Matthew 25 through 35: I was hungry and you gave me to eat, and thirsty and you gave me to drink," Kennedy said at Esperanza's Hispanic Prayer breakfast in 2007. But his support for abortion rights flew in the face of the Catholic credo. "I think he would wish that he could have found a middle ground, a common ground with our church institution," Creedon said, "When it came to the prayers of the faithful, [that] is the time normally people make petitions. ... He never made a petition, but he always had two or three prayers of thanksgiving, gratitude."

Sen. Edward Kennedy is carried by a military escort through Boston. Britain's Queen Elizabeth gave Sen. Edward Kennedy an honorary knighthood as recognition for services to U.S.-U.K. relations and to Northern Ireland. His father, Joseph P. Kennedy, briefly served as Ambassador to the Court of St. James under President Franklin Roosevelt. And the administration of his brother, John F. Kennedy, was nicknamed ‘Camelot,’ after England's King Arthur

Left: Massachusetts Senator John Kerry, pays respects to Senator Kennedy. Middle: President Barack Obama speaks during Kennedy's funeral: a great legislator, 'a kind and tender hero'. ‘The greatest expectations were placed upon Ted Kennedy's shoulders because of who he was,’ observed President Barack Obama in his eulogy, ‘but he surpassed them all because of who he became.’ Right: Sen. Christopher Dodd pauses as he speaks at the wake in front of the casket of his close friend Sen. Kennedy.

Cardinal Sean O'Malley, Archbishop of Boston, walks around casket of Sen. Ted Kennedy - faithful Catholic & Lion of the Senate, politician fighting legislative battles on behalf of the less fortunate - with incense before it leaves the church

Politics Today: Will the Dream Live On?

25,000 lined up to pay their respects at the JFK Library in Boston yesterday, August 27, 2009. On the 28th, Kennedy laid in repose for a second day at the library before an invitation-only "Celebration of Life Memorial Service" at 7pm. Speakers included: Vice President Joe Biden, his niece Caroline Kennedy, his nephew former U.S. Rep. Joseph Kennedy II, D-Mass.; Gov. Deval Patrick, D-Mass.; Boston Mayor Tom Menino; Sens. Chris Dodd, D-Conn.; Orrin Hatch, R-Utah; John Kerry, D-Mass.; and John McCain, R-Ariz.

mourners whose hearts are touched by Sen. Ted Kennedy weep while waiting in line to see his casket at the JFK Library

On August 29, Kennedy was taken to the Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, also known as the Mission Church, in Boston for a funeral Mass. President Obama delivered the eulogy; former Presidents Clinton, Carter and George W. Bush also attended. Kennedy's sons Rep. Patrick Kennedy, D-R.I., and Edward Kennedy Jr. delivered remarks. Following the funeral on Saturday, Kennedy was flown to Washington, D.C. and buried next to his brothers John and Robert in Arlington National Cemetery.

Left: Eunice Kennedy Shriver with her youngest brother, Senator Edward Kennedy after JFK's assassination, pictured in 1963. Eunice, the founder of the Special Olympics, died in 2009 at the age of 88. Her husband Robert Sargent Shriver was a long-time public servant who, among other things, started the Peace Corps. Right: Jean Kennedy Smith, Sen. Edward Kennedy's sister and the last surviving Kennedy sibling is visited by U.S. Rep. John Lewis, D-GA., as he pays his respects at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library in Boston, Friday morning, Aug. 28, 2009. Kennedy died late Tuesday night of brain cancer.

Edward Moore "Ted" Kennedy (February 22, 1932 – August 25, 2009)

Edward Moore "Ted" Kennedy (February 22, 1932 – August 25, 2009) was a United States Senator from Massachusetts and a member of the Democratic Party. In office from November 1962 until his death, Kennedy served nine terms in the Senate. At the time of his death, he was the second most senior member of the Senate, and the third-longest-serving senator in U.S. history. He was best known as one of the most outspoken and effective Senate proponents of liberal causes and bills. For many years the most prominent living member of the Kennedy family, he was the son of Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr., the youngest brother of President John F. Kennedy and Senator Robert F. Kennedy, both victims of assassinations, and the father of Congressman Patrick J. Kennedy. "Camelot" is used to describe JFK's brief presidency, and Senator Edward Kennedy was honored by the Queen as Knight of the British Empire.

Senator Kennedy's daughter Kara Kennedy Allen, center, weeps alongside her brothers U.S. Congressman Patrick Kennedy, left, and Edward Kennedy Jr.

Kennedy entered the Senate in a 1962 special election to fill the seat once held by his brother John. He was elected to a full six-year term in 1964 and was reelected seven more times. Known for his oratorical skills, Kennedy's 1968 eulogy for his brother Robert and his 1980 Democratic National Convention rallying cry for American liberalism were among his best-known speeches. He became known as "The Lion of the Senate" through his long tenure and influence. More than 300 bills that Kennedy and his staff wrote were enacted into law. He was known for working with Republicans and finding compromises among senators with disparate views. Kennedy played a major role in passing many laws, including laws addressing immigration, cancer research, health insurance, apartheid, disability discrimination, AIDS care, civil rights, mental health benefits, children's health insurance, education and volunteering. In the 2000s, he led several unsuccessful immigration reform efforts. At the time of his death, he was continuing to work on universal health care legislation, which is often described as his "life's work."

The Senator's casket is laid before the Basilica's clergy for a prayer. Cardinal McCarrick's reading of the private letters served a larger Church agenda. ‘At the funeral in Boston, you had the eulogy of the sitting President, which is impressive, but not really religious,’ said the Church official. ‘This way the Cardinal wanted to be sure the day ended as it should, in prayer.’ And so, the last word as Ted Kennedy was consigned to the earth would be from the Roman Catholic Church.

By the time of his death on Aug. 25 in Hyannis Port at the age of 77, he had 46 working years in Congress, time enough to leave his imprint on everything from the Voting Rights Act of 1965 to the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act of 2009, a law that expands support for national community-service programs. Over the years, Kennedy was a force behind the Freedom of Information Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. He helped Soviet dissidents and fought apartheid. Above all, he conducted a four-decade crusade for universal health coverage, a poignant one toward the end as the country watched a struggle with a brain tumor. But along the way, he vastly expanded the network of neighborhood clinics, virtually invented the COBRA system for portable insurance and helped create the laws that provide Medicare prescriptions and family leave.

Left: Edward Kennedy Jr. pays a final tribute his father's coffin. Right: Sen. Ted Kennedy's sons Congressman Patrick Kennedy (L) and Edward Kennedy Jr. (R) hug at the altar during eulogies at the funeral services for Senator Kennedy at the Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Boston.

And for most of that time, he went forward against great odds, the voice of progressivism in a conservative age. When people were getting tired of hearing about racism or the poor or the decay of American cities, he kept talking. When liberalism was flickering, there was Kennedy, holding the torch, insisting that "we can light those beacon fires again." In the last year of his life, with the Inauguration of Barack Obama, he had the satisfaction of seeing a big part of that dream fulfilled. In early 2008, when Obama had just begun to capture the public imagination, Kennedy bucked the party establishment. Just before Super Tuesday, the venerable Senator from Massachusetts enthusiastically endorsed the young Senator from Illinois, helping propel Obama to the Democratic nomination and ultimately the White House.

Family photo: 1938 - The Kennedy family poses for a photo in Bronxville, N.Y. From left, seated: Eunice, Jean, Edward, Joseph P., Patricia and Kathleen. Standing: Rosemary, Robert, John, Rose and Joseph Jr. The family relocated frequently and Edward would attend 10 different schools by the time he was 11 years old.

"I hope for an America where we can all contend freely and vigorously, but where we will treasure and guard those standards of civility which alone make this nation safe for both democracy and diversity."
- From Senator Edward M. Kennedy’s speech "Faith, Truth and Tolerance in America," given at Liberty Baptist College in Lynchburg, Va., on Oct. 3, 1983


The Kennedy family gathers around the grave site as an Honor Guard carries the casket of Sen. Ted Kennedy at Arlington National Cemetery. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy made his last journey through the nation’s capital on Saturday as thousands cheered the Massachusetts Democrat during the slow, winding trip to a final resting place next to his two brothers at Arlington National Cemetery.

"Thank you, Teddy, for fighting for my civil rights."
Farewell, Kennedy brothers! Farewell, you are all the best, and most courageous! We have to bid farewell though we still need you with us to fight for a better world without war, without poverty, without discrimination; for a healthy earth with less pollution, less destruction. You will "be remembered as good and decent men, who saw wrong and tried to right it, saw suffering and tried to heal it, saw war and tried to stop it."

Photos courtesy of Bettmann / CORBIS, AP, AP Photo / Manuel Balce Ceneta, AP Photo / Stephan Savoia, Bill Pierce / TIME, Lynne Sladky / AP, Brian Snyder / AP / Reuters, Mike Segar / Reuters, Somodevilla / Getty, Stan Honda / AFP / Getty, Jason Reed / Reuters, Doug Mills / AP, Getty Images, Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy,, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, and John F. Kennedy Library Foundation

Original Source: Kennedy's Sons Remember a Passionate Father and Sen. Edward M. Kennedy laid to rest near brothers

Related Articles: CNN, CBS News, Time, Wikipedia

Photo Galleries: Mourning Ted Kennedy and Ted Kennedy: In His Own Words

I cnat say this about very many people, but I Have and will always want to Grow up TO be JUST LIKE JFK,TEDD,&BOBBY what great men they were. as a youingester they are a great inspiration to me.

He will indeed be missed. He is a great political icon and has fought for what is right and just for the people of America. There is none like him and I hope that in the right time, his dreams for our country will come true.

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