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Oil prices hit new trading record of just below $120
April 28, 2008, 1:05AM
"SINGAPORE — Oil prices hit an all-time high near $120 a barrel today."
Indian Rocket Launches 10 Satellites Into Space
The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has set a world record, launching 10 satellites in a single mission.
"It is carrying two Indian and eight foreign satellites. They are expected to provide data to enable India to plan rural and urban development. The satellites were deployed in orbit within minutes of each other and the entire operation lasted 20 minutes."
Image courtesy of BBC News
Video: Johnny Depp Quotes
Captain Jack Sparrow almost got caught in "Pirates of the Caribbean".
Johnny Depp's popular quote
"I am doing things that are true to me. The only thing I have a problem with is being labeled."
Image courtesy
Launching the 'Space Clock', satellite navigation spacecraft Giove-B ("Giove": Italian for "Jupiter")
Images courtesy of BBC News
Richard Peckham, an engineer at EADS Astrium, explains how the test satellite Giove-B will be launched into space for Europe's global navigation system.
GIOVE, or Galileo In-Orbit Validation Element, is the name for two satellites built for the European Space Agency (ESA) to test technology in orbit for the Galileo positioning system.
Giove is the Italian word for "Jupiter". The name was chosen as a tribute to Galileo Galilei, who discovered the first four natural satellites of Jupiter, and later discovered that they could be used as a universal clock to obtain the longitude of a point on the Earth's surface.
The GIOVE satellites are operated by the GIOVE Mission (GIOVE-M) segment in the frame of the risk mitigation for the In Orbit Validation (IOV) of the Galileo positioning system.
"Love's Footsteps", from upcoming book by poet LuCxeed
"Love speaks for Romance, Love speaks more for Compassion." Following is an excerpt from the upcoming poetry book with art "Love's Footsteps ~ dedicated to a Bridge for Wisdom to Walk on" (poet LuCxeed), an inspirational & motivational gift book -
I search for Love’s footsteps,
as many do,
scattered along the pageless B.C.,
between the lines of modern times,
into future history dotted on silicon chips,
stretching in an infinite space.
*music by Moolkye
Video: Young Jet Li at Wushu (Martial Arts) Competition
Young Jet Li - reigning champion for 5 consecutive years - at a wushu (martial arts) competition.
Martial artist and retired Wushu champion Jet Li's debut movie "The Shaolin Temple" (1982 film), a must-see.
Jet Li's popular quote
"Everywhere I go, I still have time to meditate. People think meditating is sitting there, nobody bothering you, but you can even talk and still meditate."
Jet Li and Jackie Chan, two legendary superstars, in one movie - "The Forbidden Kingdom". A must-see.
Image courtesy: Wikipedia