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Nearly One Third of World's Species Extinct Since 1970
Original Source: BBC News
Between a quarter and a third of the world's wildlife has been lost since 1970, according to data compiled by the Zoological Society of London. Populations of land-based species fell by 25%, marine by 28% and freshwater by 29%. Humans are wiping out about 1% of all other species every year, and one of the "great extinction episodes" in the Earth's history is under way, it says. Pollution, farming and urban expansion, over-fishing and hunting are blamed.
The Living Planet Index, compiled by the society in partnership with the wildlife group WWF, tracks the fortunes of more than 1,400 species of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, using scientific publications and online databases. It said numbers had declined by 27% in the 35 years from 1970 to 2005. Some of the worst hit are marine species which saw their numbers plummet by 28% in just 10 years, between 1995 and 2005. Populations of ocean birds have fallen by 30% since the mid 1990s, while land-based populations have dropped by 25%.
The WWF said that over the next 30 years, climate change was also expected to become a significant threat to species. Director general James Leape said: "Reduced biodiversity means millions of people face a future where food supplies are more vulnerable to pests and disease and where water is in irregular or short supply. "No-one can escape the impact of biodiversity loss because reduced global diversity translates quite clearly into fewer new medicines, greater vulnerability to natural disasters and greater effects from global warming."
The WWF is calling on governments meeting in Bonn to honour their commitments to put in place effective protected areas for wildlife and to adopt a target to achieve net annual zero deforestation by 2020. The UK's Biodiversity Minister, Joan Ruddock, said the report showed that the international community had to work together to stem the decline. "The fact that human activities have caused more rapid changes in biodiversity in the last 50 years than at any other time in human history should concern us all," she said. "Supporting wildlife is critical to all our futures."
Images courtesy of BBC News and WWF
“The U.S. National Debt on 01-01-1791 was $75 million. Today, it rises by $75 million every hour or so.”
"Q: What is the difference between the Debt and the Deficit?
A: The National Debt is the total amount of money owed by the government; the federal budget deficit is the yearly amount by which spending exceeds revenue. Add up all the deficits (and subtract those few budget surpluses we've had) for the past 200+ years and you'll get the current National Debt.
Q: How has the National Debt grown over time?
A: The National Debt on January 1st 1791 was just $75 million dollars. Today, it rises by that amount every hour or so. "
U.S. National Debt Clock turning too fast
The Outstanding Public Debt as of 24 Dec 2006 at 06:27:23 AM GMT is:
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Torch’s 85,000-mile, 20-nation Global Journey the Longest in Olympic History
The 2008 Olympic torch’s 85,000-mile, 20-nation global journey is the longest in Olympic history. The 130-day round-the-world tour begins on Monday, March 24, with the lighting of the torch in ancient Olympia, Greece, an ongoing tradition from 766 B.C.
Image courtesy of Google LatLong
47% of Canadians Want Their Soldiers To Leave Afghanistan Immediately
"The Bush Administration has praised Canada's conservative Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, for his commitment to the war. But its toll has unnerved Canadian citizens and opposition leaders. A recent poll showed that 47% of Canadians wanted their soldiers to leave Afghanistan immediately, and only 17% supported maintaining a combat role.
The Afghan war had broad public support in Canada in 2002, but is now seen as one front in George W. Bush's hugely unpopular "war on terror." The discontent also has deeper roots.
Perhaps most important, Canadians do not see the Afghan conflict as directly relevant to their own security. Al-Qaeda has never staged an attack on Canadian soil…Canadians worry that fighting alongside the U.S. will increase--not decrease--the risk that they will become a target. "
Images courtesy of Time
Oil prices hit new trading record of just below $120
April 28, 2008, 1:05AM
"SINGAPORE — Oil prices hit an all-time high near $120 a barrel today."
Zuckerman Fights Murdoch for Newsday
"Mortimer B. Zuckerman, the owner of The Daily News, believes he can snatch Newsday from Rupert Murdoch without offering a dime more than the $580 million already on the table.
News Corporation executives believe the only regulatory scrutiny their deal would receive would be from the Justice Department, regarding to whether combining Newsday and The Post would be anticompetitive.
On this point, Newsday’s circulation overlaps more with The Daily News than with The Post.
However, Mr. Murdoch owns two television stations in the New York area (WNYW and WWOR) and is already in the process of seeking waivers from the F.C.C. to continue to control television stations and newspapers in the same market. "
Photo courtesy of The New York Times