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Showdown. Human Common Sense votes vs programmed Machine counting votes, remote-controlled, as self-driving truck on highway
And they showed video of a monkey hacking the system to prove it.
In the minute-long video produced by Black Box Voting, Baxter the chimp is shown deleting the audit log that is supposed to keep track of changes in the Diebold central tabulator, the computer and program that keeps track of county vote totals.
On October 20, 2016, Otto and Budweiser completed the world’s first shipment by self-driving truck.
The truck drove itself on I-25 from Fort Collins, through Denver, to Colorado Springs.
The driver was out of the driver's seat during the entire 120 mile stretch of highway.
Image courtesy Voting Machines and
31 Oct 1892 "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" by Arthur Conan Doyle published
On 31 Oct 1892, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Arthur Conan Doyle, was published. The book was the first collection of Holmes stories, which Conan Doyle had been publishing in magazines since 1887.
Conan Doyle was born in Scotland and studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh, where he met Dr. Joseph Bell, a teacher with extraordinary deductive power. Bell partly inspired Doyle’s character Sherlock Holmes years later.
After medical school, Conan Doyle moved to London, where his slow medical practice left him ample free time to write. His first Sherlock Holmes story, “A Study in Scarlet,” was published in Beeton’s Christmas Annual in 1887. Starting in 1891, a series of Holmes stories appeared in The Strand magazine, and Conan Doyle was able to give up his medical practice and devote himself to writing. Later collections include The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (1894), The Return of Sherlock Holmes (1905), and The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes (1827).
Image courtesy
Oct 15, 1815, Napoleon I began his exile on Saint Helena, most remote island following his defeat at Battle of Waterloo
The Battle of Waterloo, which took place in Belgium on June 18, 1815, marked the final defeat of French military leader and emperor Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), who conquered much of continental Europe in the early 19th century. Napoleon rose through the ranks of the French army during the French Revolution (1789-1799), seized control of the French government in 1799 and became emperor in 1804. Through a series of wars, he expanded his empire across western and central Europe. However, a disastrous invasion of Russia in 1812, coupled with other defeats, led to his abdication and exile in 1814. He returned to France in 1815 and briefly resumed power. The Battle of Waterloo, in which Napoleon’s forces were defeated by the British and Prussians, signaled the end of his reign and the end of France’s domination in Europe. After Waterloo, Napoleon abdicated and later died in exile. read more »
World largest Viking ship Draken Harald Hårfagre sails from Norway to America, relives 1st transatlantic crossing >1,000 yrs ago
The world’s largest Viking ship, the Norwegian Draken Harald Hårfagre, will be docking at Mystic Seaport, Connecticut, beginning October 2, 2016
"It has been a tremendous adventure! A challenge extraordinaire, to explore the world with the largest Viking ship built and sailed in modern times. Im proud of our crew and all the challenges we have overcome to reach the final stop on this journey."
– Captain Björn Ahlander
October 2, Draken Harald Hårfagre, the world’s largest viking ship built in modern times, will sail into Mystic Seaport, Connecticut, and it is the final destination for Expedition America 2016. read more »
"One touch of nature makes the whole world kin."US National Park Service turns 100(1st park,Yellowstone,signed into law in 1872)
Extended Preview of Ken Burns documentary series on PBS, THE NATIONAL PARKS: AMERICAS BEST IDEA. The 12-hour, six-part documentary series, directed by Burns and co-produced with his longtime colleague, Dayton Duncan, who also wrote the script, is the story of an idea as uniquely American as the Declaration of Independence and just as radical: that the most special places in the nation should be preserved, not for royalty or the rich, but for everyone.
"One touch of nature makes the whole world kin."
- John Muir, Our National Parks
On August 25, 2016, the National Park Service turned 100
The centennial celebrates the achievements of the past 100 years, but it is really about the future. It’s about kicking off a second century of stewardship for America’s national parks and for communities across the nation. Most importantly, it’s about inviting you to join us. We all have a role to play in ensuring that future generations of Americans will be able to enjoy the thrilling experiences of nature and wildlife, history and culture, and the spirit of adventure that is waiting at every national park. read more »
11 Sep 1777 18k British troops split into 2 divisions, full-scale sudden attack on Washington's 11k Continentals at Brandywine
The Battle of Brandywine begins
On the afternoon of this day in 1777, General Sir William Howe and General Charles Cornwallis launched a full-scale British attack on General George Washington and the Patriot outpost at Brandywine Creek near Chadds Ford, in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, on the road linking Baltimore and Philadelphia.
Howe and Cornwallis spilt their 18,000 British troops into two separate divisions, with Howe leading an attack from the front and Cornwallis circling around and attacking from the right flank. The morning had provided the British troops with cover from a dense fog, so Washington was unaware the British had split into two divisions and was caught off guard by the oncoming British attack.
Although the Americans were able to slow the advancing British, they were soon faced with the possibility of being surrounded. Surprised and outnumbered by the 18,000 British troops to his 11,000 Continentals, Washington ordered his men to abandon their posts and retreat. Defeated, the Continental Army marched north and camped at Germantown, Pennsylvania. The British abandoned their pursuit of the Continentals and instead began the British occupation of Philadelphia. Congress, which had been meeting in Philadelphia, fled first to Lancaster, then to York, Pennsylvania, and the British took control of the city without Patriot opposition.
Image courtesy Wikipedia