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Figures & Facts
Frontrunners of 2016 race: Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump who is self-funded and has barely touched his wallet
Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Bernie Sanders have shaken up the US presidential race with decisive victories in the New Hampshire primary
Billionaire Mr Trump is likely to get more than twice the number of votes of the next Republican candidate.
Senator Bernie Sanders, who beat Democratic rival Hillary Clinton by a huge margin, said his victory showed people wanted "real change".
Both candidates are riding on a wave of discontent with mainstream politics.
The aim of the primary race is to choose which candidates will represent the Republican and Democratic parties in November's presidential election.
Senator Bernie Sanders, running for the first time as a Democrat, won overwhelmingly; The amazing thing is that Trump has barely touched his wallet or run a real campaign yet he has managed to crush all comers. Edward Rollins (a member of the Political Consultants Hall of Fame): "Sanders, Trump and more. Fasten your seatbelt, America, this is gonna be one helluva ride".
There was no surprise at the top of the polls with the results, it was only the size of their landslide victories. The liberal winner Senator Bernie Sanders, running for the first time as a Democrat, won overwhelmingly and crushed the alleged inevitable nominee Mrs. Clinton by more than 20 points. Sanders cannot be dismissed and now is a real contender. read more »
Glitch whips ALL: sold, $12; European personal data free transfer across Atlantic: Pact agreed, but glitch-proof?
Glitch's prank. this guy's luck. Google-operated domain service on 29 Sept 2015 sold to MBA student Sanmay Ved, charged his credit card for $12, emailed him the transaction confirmation. For a glitch-created historical minute, a guy owned beyond Google.
Washington Post - Max Schrems, left, and his lawyer Herwig Hofmann, right, at the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg on Oct. 6, 2015. (Geert Vanden Wijngaert)
For just $12, he bought - Babson College student, Sanmay Ved, briefly owns
For just one brief but unforgettable moment, a Babson College student owned the internet domain for the world's most heavily trafficked website. For just $12, he bought Sanmay Ved is getting his MBA, but he used to work for Google. He was playing around with the website registration service, Google Domains. For fun, he entered ""
"I put in and it showed it was available," he said.
Much to his surprise, the domain he presumed would be unavailable, actually was. "I thought it was a mistake or something that should not happen,, is unavailable, but...(shows paperwork) as you see, is showing as available," he said, referencing screenshots. read more »
Confident to text while driving? It costs 25% of ALL car accidents: 1,600,000/yr, 330,000 injuries/yr, 11 teen deaths EVERY DAY
Texting While Driving Causes:
1. 1,600,000 accidents per year – National Safety Council
2. 330,000 injuries per year – Harvard Center for Risk Analysis Study
3. 11 teen deaths EVERY DAY – Ins. Institute for Hwy Safety Fatality Facts
4. Nearly 25% of ALL car accidents
Texting While Driving Is:
1. About 6 times more likely to cause an accident than driving intoxicated
2. The same as driving after 4 beers – National Hwy Transportation Safety Admin.
3. The number one driving distraction reported by teen drivers
Texting While Driving:
1. Makes you 23X more likely to crash – National Hwy Transportation Safety Admin.
2. Is the same as driving blind for 5 seconds at a time – VA. Tech Transportation Institute
3. Takes place by 800,000 drivers at any given time across the country
4. Slows your brake reaction speed by 18% – HumanFactors & Ergonomics Society
5. Leads to a 400% increase with eyes off the road
Here are several reasons why you shouldn’t be addicted to your phone. read more »
Storm Jonas blizzard. Sentinels at Tomb of Unknowns. The Old Guard, 3rd Infantry regiment, motto: Noli Me Tangere "Touch me Not"
The Tomb of the Unknowns is a monument dedicated to American service members who have died without their remains being identified. It is also known as the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, but it has never been officially named so. On March 4, 1921, the United States Congress approved the burial of an unidentified American serviceman from World War I in the plaza of the new Memorial Amphitheater. On November 11, 1921, the unknown soldier brought back from France was interred below a three-level marble tomb. The bottom two levels are six marble sections each and the top at least nine blocks with a rectangular opening in the center of each level through which the unknown remains were placed through the tomb and into the ground below. A stone other than marble covers the rectangular opening. read more »
Gallant into grandness: ice climbing, snowboarding. Photos: bravest man, utmost challenge to self, at a stroke of Nature's luck
Snowboarding in the Himalaya, Nepal
Ice Climbing at Dusk in Ouray Ice Park, Colorado
Ice Climbing in Zirknitzgrotte, Austria
Snowboarding the Pemberton Ice Cap, British Columbia
Backcountry Skiing Mount Superior, Wasatch, Utah
Ice Climbing in Kootenay National Park, Canada
Snowboarding Mount Ruapehu, New Zealand
Skiing Under the Northern Lights in Norway
Skiing the Pemberton Ice Cap, British Columbia
(quote) read more »
Qs to self-driving cars: who controls the code? Zero glitch? fend off invisible hack? Human driver required to be behind wheel
Car Hacking: What Every Connected Driver Needs to Know - many new cars are equipped with wireless technology that can make a driver's time on the road more stress-free and entertaining, but the technology can also bring a dark side. Two hackers were able to take control of a connected Jeep Cherokee from their living room as a Wired reporter, who agreed to be their test case, drove the SUV down the highway at 70 mph, according to the article.
Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek, the two hacking experts behind the stunt, were able to access the SUV's Internet connected computer system and then rewrite the firmware to plant the malicious code allowing them to commandeer the vehicle, including everything from the air conditioning and music to the Jeep's steering, brakes and transmission, according to Wired.
TheGuardian - The problem with self-driving cars: who controls the code? Every locked device can be easily jailbroken
Should autonomous vehicles be programmed to choose who they kill when they crash? And who gets access to the code that determines those decisions? The Trolley Problem is an ethical brainteaser that’s been entertaining philosophers since it was posed by Philippa Foot in 1967: a runaway train will slaughter five innocents tied to its track unless you pull a lever to switch it to a siding on which one man, also innocent and unawares, is standing. Pull the lever, you save the five, but kill the one: what is the ethical course of action? read more »
100th anniversary wwi Battle of Gallipoli (25Apr1915-09Jan1916): Queen and Prince Philip, each placed a wreath at war memorial
(quote) -Gallipoli anniversary ceremony: with solemnity and quiet dignity Queen and Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, each placed a wreath at the war memorial. The ceremony marked the 100th anniversary of the end of the disastrous First World War campaign on the Gallipoli peninsula. During the ceremony the Queen and Philip, who is patron of the Gallipoli Association, stood still as the Last Post was played by a bugler and a minute's silence was observed. Then, with solemnity and quiet dignity, they each placed a wreath at the war memorial dedicated to local men who fought in the Great War and paid the ultimate sacrifice. read more »