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Health & Lifestyle
Blue Moon will watch our New Year celebrations & deer may visit your backyard. Take a moment to look into Nature, into Future
How often does a full moon occur twice in a single month? Exactly once in a Blue Moon. In fact, the modern usage of the term "Blue Moon" refers to the second Full Moon in a single month. Tonight's Blue Moon will be the first since November 2001. A Blue Moon typically occurs every few years. The reason for the rarity of the Blue Moon is that the 29.53 days between full moons is just slightly shorter than the number of days in the average month. Don't, however, expect the moon to look blue tonight! The term "Blue Moon" has recently been traced to an error in a magazine article in 1946. It is possible for the Moon to appear tinged by a blue hue, sometimes caused by fine dirt circulating in the Earth's atmosphere, possibly from a volcanic explosion. The above picture was taken not during a full moon but through a morning sky that appeared dark blue. The bright crescent is the only part directly exposed to sunlight - the rest of the Moon glows from sunlight reflected from the Earth. In this dramatic photo, however, the planet Jupiter is also visible along with its four largest moons.
On 2010 New Year eve: take a moment & look into the night sky read more »
ThinkAhead™ Calendar "To Health of Earth" 201001-201012 (Ocean)
TimeAheadTM Calendar
"To Health of Earth"
January 2010 - December 2010
Click here to view larger image and download the 8.5"x11" letter-size printable calendar (pdf file).
ThinkAhead™ Calendar 2010 series to Health of Earth: ice, forest & ocean. Free download. Happy Holidays to all!
From the publisher: if "habit is the nursery of errors", let ThinkAhead™ Calendar be the nursery of greatness, particularly as the coming new year is greeted by an increasing urgency to save the planet - our Home.
On the left are links to the three calendars in this release, our New Year’s gift to all, free to download.
ThinkAhead™ Calendar "To Health of Earth" 201001-201012 (Forest)
TimeAheadTM Calendar
"To Health of Earth"
January 2010 - December 2010
Click here to view larger image and download the 8.5"x11" letter-size printable calendar (pdf file).
ThinkAhead™ Calendar "To Health of Earth" 201001-201012 (Ice)
TimeAheadTM Calendar
"To Health of Earth"
January 2010 - December 2010
Click here to view larger image and download the 8.5"x11" letter-size printable calendar (pdf file).
Solar plane, 1st of its kind, Airbus-sized, around the world without fuel & with zero emissions: prototype runway debut
The prototype of a solar-powered plane, the size of an Airbus and the weight of a mid-sized car, destined for a record round-the-world journey has made its 1st trip across a runway. The plane covered at least 2km at speeds of up to 5 knots on the landing strip in Switzerland. This test run saw the Solar Impulse plane outside its hangar for the first time, with tests of its motors and computer. As wide as a jumbo jet but weighing just 1,500 kg, the plane's maiden flight is scheduled for February in 2010, and a final version will attempt to cross the Atlantic in 2012. HB-SIA’s mission is to demonstrate the feasibility of a night flight making sole use of solar energy. It is a “no frills” plane built solely for verifying our technological choices. It is a true “flying lab”. The results gained from it will be used for optimizing the construction of the HB-SIB, whose mission it will be to fly around the world without fuel and with zero emissions as from 2012.
COP15: what does encroaching seas and melting of Arctic ice cap tell us?
How simple the question: do we have Planet B, or Earth C? Can we ask Nature to wait for our negotiation while CO2 are being pumped non-stop into our atmosphere; temperature goes higher, ice cap becomes thinner; sea level is rising and our land is shrinking? Lord Stern described the summit as the "most important gathering since the second world war, given what is at stake". Scientists say, "on climate, lost decade now leads to final chance, 'last' decade." "The decade of the 2000s will end as the warmest ever on global temperature charts. Warmer still lies ahead. Through 10 years of global boom and bust, of breakneck change around the planet, of terrorism, war and division, all people everywhere under that warming sun faced one threat together: the buildup of greenhouse gases, the rise in temperatures, the danger of a shifting climate, of drought, weather extremes and encroaching seas, of untold damage to the world humanity has created for itself over millennia." Al Gore is calling for "Humanity's Fateful Fight", "latest science on melting of Arctic ice cap, evidence "only reckless fools would ignore".
"I do not believe we can wait till next November or December." read more »