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Myths. 'Solar eclipse: Nov3' 'Google's massive barge' 'whats so funny' 'ghostly coldest place in universe' 'eyes w/ great sight'
Myths and legends around the world attempt to explain solar eclipses, such as the one above in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Here’s the much-talked-about barge in San Francisco Bay.
What's so funny?
ALMA reveals ghostly shape of coldest place in the universe
Look Into The Eyes with Great Sight
Solar Eclipse Myths From Around the World
People around the world, and through time, have come up with many a tale to explain the sun's disappearance.
This Sunday, November 3 - people in equatorial Africa will be treated to a rare view of a total solar eclipse. Those living on the eastern North American coast, northern South America, southern Europe, or the Middle East, will get to see a partial solar eclipse.
Google's massive mystery barge
There are two mysterious structures built on barges, one in San Francisco Bay, the other in Maine’s Portland Harbor.
Being built on a moveable barge, Google's new party venues could be moored off the coast of the US one day and perhaps moved to the Thames a few weeks later. Where it can't be moored, however, is the top of Fifth Avenue or on London's Regent Street, the locations of Apple's most famous retail stores, which are thought to have inspired Google's barge scheme.... going to use the barges as arks, load in the animals in two by two and await the apocalypse.
The Boomerang Nebula, called the "coldest place in the universe," reveals its true shape with ALMA. The background blue structure, as seen in visible light with the Hubble Space Telescope, shows a classic double-lobe shape with a very narrow central region. ALMA’s resolution and ability to see the cold molecular gas reveals the nebula’s more elongated shape, as seen in red.
At a cosmologically crisp –458° Fahrenheit (–272° Celsius), the Boomerang Nebula is the coldest known object in the universe — colder, in fact, than the faint afterglow of the Big Bang, which is the natural background temperature of space.
Astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) have taken a new look at this intriguing object to learn more about its frigid properties and determine its true shape, which has an eerily ghost-like appearance.
Also known as the ghost owl, arctic owl, or great white owl, snowy owls range through Maine in the winter. As one of the few diurnal owls, they are a great sight to see blending in with the white of the season.
Did you know that a group of owls has many different names, including: bazaar, glaring, parliament, stooping and a wisdom of owls?
Images courtesy Colleen Pinski / Your Shot / National Geographic, Stephen Lam / Reuters,, photobucket /, Bill Saxton / NRAO/AUI/NSF / NASA/Hubble / Raghvendra Sahai, and / audubon