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Figures & Facts
Global "headache": 1.5 million credit, debit cards breached - swipe card through a cheating device created for ID theft? Massive
global "headache": 1.5 million credit, debit cards may be breached
"when you swipe you card, all your information is stolen"... scary
Hackers put a tiny device on the card readers where you swipe your credit or debit card. So when you scan it they get all your personal information
"They can put a phony thing over the part where you swipe your card. You think you're swiping your card through a reader and what you're really doing is swiping your card through a device the hacker has created," said Jim Lee, head of Consumer Fraud at the Rhode Island Attorney General's Office.
Lee says the trouble is this type of hacking is becoming more common at stores, gas stations, and ATM's.
"People are realizing that this is a new form of theft that they can do electronically, they can do high tech and it has a real volume to them," said Lee.
And because more and more people now pay this way thieves don't have to empty your account. They take a little here, a little there, from many accounts, which people often don't even notice.
October 24, 2012 - "appears to be a massive theft" - MasterCard and Visa warn of potential cardholder account breaches read more »
Phenomenon. Unique fact: US Army, Navy, Airforce, Defense, Marine top donors -> Ron Paul; the rest: banks vs Cal/LawFirm/Harvard
2012 Election - each candidate has his top donors - who's who
Infographic: US Presidential Elections with Ron Paul
Albert Einstein: "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex...It takes a touch of genius...", and a lot of courage to be ideologically consistent over decades - Photos
*update* Oct 11, 2012 CNBC EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Ron Paul on NEW Online Show “FUTURES NOW” "one party system" vs "one man of Constitution" on necessary cuts to public spending that would avert a fiscal catastrophe - 12-term Congressman Dr. Ron Paul told CNBC’s Futures Now: "the foreign policy stays the same, the monetary policy stays the same, there’s no proposal for any real cuts and both parties support it", ... "they’re not going to allow all those terrible things to happen on January 1, but they’re not going to solve the problem either."
"Politicians Kiss Babies - Babies Kiss Ron Paul"
Ron Paul gets a hug from a teary-eyed fan. read more »
Sea otters eat sea urchins, protect kelp forests that trap CO2 from atmosphere - but can they catch up to man-made pollution?
Smart Sea Otter Stacks Cups
Sea Otter Pup
"Nature does nothing uselessly. " - Aristotle
Global warming? Sea otters to the rescue!
Global warming is reaching new records, ice caps continue to melt at an alarming rate, and measures taken by authorities are as rare as they are questionable. But as cute as they are, where do otters step in? Well, as I was telling you, otters like to feast on sea urchins. Sea urchins eat kelp, and kelp forests trap and store massive amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere. A kelp forest ‘guarded’ by otters can absorb as much as 12 times the amount of CO2 from the atmosphere than one without an otter population.
Published in the respectable online journal Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, the research that came to this conclusion didn’t go unnoticed at all, as professor Chris Wilmers from the University of California, Santa Cruz, explains: “Right now, all the climate change models and proposed methods of sequestering carbon ignore animals. But animals the world over, working in different ways to influence the carbon cycle, might actually have a large impact.” He elaborates: “If ecologists can get a better handle on what these impacts are, there might be opportunities for win-win conservations scenarios, whereby animal species are protected or enhanced, and carbon gets sequestered.” read more »
Topless Princess Kate pics spur privacy issues; how about 825 cameras in bathrooms, changing rooms at UK schools?
"Grant self and others Dignity and Decency. High technology is not invented to destroy privacy or nobility, nor is Golden Rule disposable, ever." - Editor
Topless Princess Kate Pics Spur Privacy Issues
A French magazine has published photos of the Duchess of Cambridge topless, causing a new scandal for the royal family. The Duchess and her husband Prince William were on private property at a French resort when they were photographed presumably off-limits to the public. But in today's world of hidden cameras and powerful zoom lenses, there's really no place for a celebrity to hide from determined paparazzi.
Report raises privacy concerns about the use of cameras in bathrooms, changing rooms at UK schools - 'a shock to many parents' 825 cameras reportedly located in the toilets or changing rooms of 207 schools across England, Scotland and Wales
RAINFORD High has been named on a list of school's using CCTV cameras in toilets and changing rooms. The school has SEVEN cameras installed in either toilets or changing rooms. It is one of only 207 schools across the country and the only school in St Helens to engage in the controversial practice. read more »
Bike sharing - fastest-growing in 165 cities worldwide - zero pollution but affordability & availability when oil crisis strikes
...there were around 136 bikesharing programs in 165 cities around the world, such as in the countries of Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Albania, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Korea, Japan, Germany, Greece,Ireland, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK...
Photos. A lot of courage to be ideologically consistent over decades, always stands up for "Liberty, Peace & Prosperity"
'Ron Paul finally gets his moment at the Republican Convention
Ron Paul RNC Tribute Video -
20 years in congress, he never votes for tax increase, budget increasing ceiling, "it's the american story - charting your own path, forging new wave forward, not because it's the easy way but because it's the right way for those with dedication, character, faith, conviction... sometimes the lonely path pave the way forward for millions"'
"Full Unedited Ron Paul Speech at We Are The Future Rally - Tampa Sun Dome - Aug 26 2012"
(quote) read more »