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Figures & Facts
French star Gerard Depardieu to quit France due to tax hike; Brigitte Bardot may follow his move to defend elephants
Two most famous French stars, cultural icons, are indeed very much French - they act on passion. Brigitte Bardot is determined to defend elephants (population shockingly dropped from 13,000,000 to 400,000 within 20 years) while Gerard Depardieu is extremely upset that 85% of his hard-earned money is not his: "I will neither complain nor brag, but I refuse to be called 'pathetic'". Per Daily Mail UK - 'Over 45 years, Depardieu has paid €145million euros' since he started working at age 14 as a printer. [Guardian UK] In protest not at tax hikes but at treatment of elephants, Brigitte Bardot threatens to follow Gérard Depardieu's move to quit France.
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France: GM corn linked to cancer. EU bans 7 GM foods, battery cages, animal testing, seal imports, condemns whaling...
*update* Jan. 14, 2013 EU releases all data on GM corn linked to cancer Monday's move "aims to make data used in risk assessment publicly available," Geslain-Laneelle said, by promoting research and working with scientists.
*update* Siding with EU's ban on animal testing, Dec. 21 2012 Air Canada can refuse to ship monkeys for research
Seven Food Products Banned in Europe Still Available in the U.S.
1. Genetically Modified Foods
2. Stevia, the Natural Sweetener
3. Bovine Growth Hormone
4. Chlorinated Chickens
5. Food Contact Chemicals
6. Herbicides, Fungicides and Insecticides read more »
"Could computers become cleverer than humans and take over the world"? as unmanned plane "put judge's robe on missile" (Colbert)
new version "all-in-one: judge, jury and executioner"
Hal 9000, the supercomputer who commits murder in Stanley Kubrick's film "2001: A Space Odyssey."
Einstein warned us long ago: "It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity."...
Philosophers and scientists: "In the case of artificial intelligence, it seems a reasonable prediction that some time in this or the next century intelligence will escape from the constraints of biology" (...will, or have escaped?) "...advanced technology could be a threat when computers start to direct resources towards their own goals, at the expense of human concerns like environmental sustainability."
VP of space technologies at Physical Sciences: "30,000 unmanned drones (which can hover 100 feet above your home or zip past your office window) estimated could be aloft by 2020. 'We’re in a rapid spool-up phase now, where we’re thinking about going from producing tens of aircraft per month to a thousand or more...' "
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Passion for Ocean. 3600 whales saved: world volunteers' direct action; Simon fortune to Whales' Navy: Zero cruelty. Zero kills
Buddha quotes (Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.) “What is evil? Killing is evil". Japan's ICR has set itself a quota of nearly one thousand minke and 50 fin whales to be culled during the 2012/2013 Australian summer in Antarctica: in the name of "science". Earth Dr Reese Halter, biologist: "four Japanese whale-killing, factory ships armed with coast guards and grenade-tipped harpoons are within hours of entering a demilitarized zone and the international Great Southern Ocean Sanctuary. The bloody 'War Against Nature' is set to rage."
*update* Jan. 7, 2013 Sea Shepherd Australia To Lead Antarctic Whale Defense Campaign - Former Greens leader Bob Brown takes helm. Whalers' legal action has forced Sea Shepherd founder Paul Watson to resign as president after more than three decades at the helm, saved thousands of most innocent sea lives from merciless slaughter...
Captain Watson Gives Speech at Sea Shepherd 35th Anniversary Event in Colorado
Canada's Pride: Liberty & Justice. Peace & willingness to serve citizens; guard Privacy vigorously, against misinformation...
*update* March 19, 2013 US magazine calls Stephen Harper an ‘exceptional leader’, praising his leadership, his foreign policy and his stewardship of the economy coming out of the 2008 recession. National Review: "Stephen Harper, Canada’s PM, 'Leader of the West', 'a very disciplined politician'"
*update* Marketwire: "Proud to stand up for honest, hard-working Canadians against thieves and criminals". March 11, 2013, Canada announced "Bill C-26, the Citizen's Arrest and Self-defence Act, has come into force", committed to keeping our streets and communities safe", for Canadians to protect themselves against criminal acts and "the justice system is behind them, not against them", said Minister Nicholson. "Those who have been the victim of a crime should not be re-victimized by the criminal justice system." Canada "will continue to stand up for law-abiding Canadians."
2012 election meets no challengers, though US is challenged by 16 trillion debt; what'd lead America leaping over fiscal cliff?
"2012 election meets no challengers, though US is challenged by 16 trillion debt; what'd lead America leaping over fiscal cliff?" - Editor
Nov. 07 2012 - Canada on alert as U.S. nears fiscal cliff Serious economic problems are threatening to bleed over the border from the United States into Canada in the wake of the presidential election. The Canadian economy is so dependent on the economic performance of the United States...
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Almost Election Day. Hurricane Sandy cut in and cut off millions from modern communication and power, sunk tall ship HMS Bounty
A fire destroyed around 50 homes in a flooded neighborhood in the New York City borough of Queens. The Breezy Point district was left a smoldering tangle of wood and metal after the blaze. Firefighters said it was a miracle that only two minor injuries were reported.