You are hereBlogs / WcP.Humor's blog / Be tall to be there: Boston covered by 6-feet snow; 60000 tons of salt dumped onto roads; NY, Vermont help dig Massachusetts out
Be tall to be there: Boston covered by 6-feet snow; 60000 tons of salt dumped onto roads; NY, Vermont help dig Massachusetts out
*update* 2015/02/10
Boston Police Commissioner William Evans: "I hope it snows every day!" Homicides and other major crimes in the city have dropped by a whopping 34 percent so far this year, compared with the same period last year. Vehicle theft decreased by 46 percent, larceny by 35 percent, and burglaries by 32 percent, according to data provided by the Boston Police Department.
'murder-free' record New York City has gone 11 days without a homicide, its longest stretch without any on modern record, the New York Police Department said Friday. The record was broken midnight Thursday. It was the 11th full day without a reported homicide. Police Commissioner Bill Bratton hushed talk of the streak Friday on "CBS This Morning." "Shh ... we don't want to jinx it," Bratton told host Charlie Rose. "We're into our 12th day now, Charlie. Eleven is a record and let's keep it going."
What Should Boston Do With All That Snow? Desperate for snow-disposal solutions, Boston has asked the public for ideas
With a record-shattering six feet of snow covering Boston in just four weeks - and more coming Thursday the Boston Harbor contains about 10 million tons of salt. As of February 10, the city had dumped about 60,000 tons of the stuff onto roads. the city is scrambling to find places to stash its plowed snow. Should they keep hauling it off to the Skywalker-esque "snow farms" dotting the city? Revisit the Colonial past with a giant snow dump into the harbor? Feb 11, 2015 - Boston snow continues... several more inches expected on Thursday
Neighbors help Neighbors: New York State and Vermont helping Mass. dig out from snow
New York state is sending dozens of front-end loaders and dump trucks to help Massachusetts dig out from record snowfalls that dropped several feet of snow. Forty Vermont National Guard members are also heading to Massachusetts. Cuomo: "Neighbors help neighbors"
115 million people are collectively going, 'Shiver me timbers, it's cold!' There's cold and there's the kind of cold that freezes your soul. The kind of cold that makes even winter-tested Chicago throw in the towel. That makes battle-hardened Boston cry out "Enough already!" And sunny Florida lament, "Not us too!" Pretty much the entire eastern half of the United States is in the ice box. From the Canadian border to the Gulf Coast, temperatures are 25 to 45 degrees below normal. That's 115 million people in 27 states shivering and shouting choice epithets.
So, how cold is it?
It's close-the-schools kind of cold -
Schools districts are canceling classes as far south as Georgia. Even in Chicago, where you'd think they'd be used to this sort of thing.
It's freeze-the-falls kind of cold -
It's cold in Upstate New York too, no surprise there. But how often do you see Niagara Falls frozen?
It's warmer-in-Alaska kind of cold -
In Fairfax, Virginia, the temperature Thursday morning will be -13 degrees C. In Anchorage, Alaska? -4 degrees C.
Photos courtesy of @ericfisher, Getty Images, and ?@Maxinerunner

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