You are hereBlogs / WcP.Watchful.Eye's blog / Mt. Kilimanjaro Ice Cap rapidly retreats, 85% of 1912's ice cover vanished..recent surface melting not occurred over 11700 yrs
Mt. Kilimanjaro Ice Cap rapidly retreats, 85% of 1912's ice cover vanished..recent surface melting not occurred over 11700 yrs
The ice atop Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania has continued to retreat rapidly, declining 26 percent since 2000, scientists say in a new report. 85% of the ice cover that was present in 1912 has vanished. It is anticipated to be completely gone in 20 years. Surface melting like that seen in recent years has not occurred over the last 11,700 years.
The impact of these events and the precursor that they offer of the trends to follow e.g. - droughts, intensified storms, floods, sea level increase and famine, are all a result of global warming which, according to an organization (IPCC) of 2,500 scientists from 130 countries is a result of human-caused activities that produce greenhouse gases.
Photos courtesy of Yann Arthus-Bertrand / HOME, National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) for Tanzania, and Wikipedia
Original Source: NY Times and

To think that the snows of Kilimanjaro we vanish in my sad what we have done to this once beautiful planet. Enjoy the little natural beauty that remains,because it wont be around long,I'm not just talking about Kilimanjaro,but simple things like our Mountains(mining blasting the tops off of mountains here in WV),rivers and other landscapes.