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Video: Ron Paul, presidential candidate: "I deal in philosophy. It's a challenge in philosophy. I am determined..."
NEIL CAVUTO, HOST: Well, the Republican National Convention just got some competition, not from the Democrats, but from another Republican — Ron Paul just announcing he's holding a convention of his own. It will be the same day and in the same city as the RNC Convention.
Presidential candidate Ron Paul joins me now.
What are you — what are you up to, Congressman?
REP. RON PAUL (R-TX), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, I don't know whether we'll call it a convention. We're certainly going to have a meeting.
But we're sort of following up on what happened early in the presidential primary races. As you recall, early on, I was excluded from a forum out in Iowa. It happened to be a tax group. And I have no idea why I was singled out and excluded. But we went and had a rally next door. We didn't crash the party. We didn't try to cause any problems. We just went next door. And our rally was a lot bigger than the presidential forum was.
So, at the national convention, we believe, since we won't have very much of a role to play there, that we will see what kind of numbers that we have, where Republicans could come together to remind the party of its promises for limited government.
That's the roots of the Republican Party, and I still think there are still a lot of Republicans that believe that government ought to be small and balanced budgets and free markets and all these principles that, for so long now, we have been neglecting.
CAVUTO: Now, how much of this is your anger at the way you were treated?
PAUL: Oh, I don't think — I don't look like an angry person. I'm not an angry person, because I deal in philosophy. It's a challenge in philosophy. I am determined, but it's all philosophic. It's all philosophic.
PAUL: ... I mean, when you deal in ideas and philosophy, you appeal to the people. And when the attitude of the people changes, the governments will be forced to. Whether we can be successful at the convention and have them change their platform, you're exactly right. It might not occur that quickly.
But, if our movement is for real, which I believe it is, this is going to continue. And the precinct organizations will continue. And, as time goes on, we will have an influence on the Republican Party. Otherwise...
Ron Paul was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He graduated from Gettysburg College and the Duke University School of Medicine, before proudly serving as a flight surgeon in the U.S. Air Force during the 1960s. He and his wife Carol moved to Texas in 1968, where he began his medical practice in Brazoria County. As a specialist in obstetrics/gynecology, Dr. Paul has delivered more than 4,000 babies. He and Carol, who reside in Lake Jackson, Texas, are the proud parents of five children and have 17 grandchildren.

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