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Figures & Facts
Myths. 'Solar eclipse: Nov3' 'Google's massive barge' 'whats so funny' 'ghostly coldest place in universe' 'eyes w/ great sight'
Myths and legends around the world attempt to explain solar eclipses, such as the one above in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Here’s the much-talked-about barge in San Francisco Bay.
What's so funny?
ALMA reveals ghostly shape of coldest place in the universe
Look Into The Eyes with Great Sight
Solar Eclipse Myths From Around the World
People around the world, and through time, have come up with many a tale to explain the sun's disappearance.
This Sunday, November 3 - people in equatorial Africa will be treated to a rare view of a total solar eclipse. Those living on the eastern North American coast, northern South America, southern Europe, or the Middle East, will get to see a partial solar eclipse.
Google's massive mystery barge
There are two mysterious structures built on barges, one in San Francisco Bay, the other in Maine’s Portland Harbor. read more »
Fun in Expression. Photos. 'Lit Nobel to Alice Munro, 82' 'elephants get point' 'surprisingly simple robots' 'longest talkathon'
"Literature Nobel to Alice Munro, 82"
"elephants get the point of pointing"
"surprisingly simple robots"
"let's share"
"longest talkathlon"
“how do I look?”
Alice Munro, Canadian short story writer, 82, wins Nobel Prize in literature
"When I began writing there was a very small community of Canadian writers and little attention was paid by the world. Now Canadian writers are read, admired and respected around the globe. I'm so thrilled to be chosen as this year's Nobel Prize for Literature recipient. I hope it fosters further interest in all Canadian writers. I also hope that this brings further recognition to the short story form." read more »
Higher debt ceiling, steeper fiscal cliff. Uncle Sam "pause" at altitude of ~17 trillion..: for a soft landing or go up further?
*Update Oct 19 2013* - U.S. debt jumps a record $328 billion — tops $17 trillion for first time
Ryan Links Budget Impasse to Debt Ceiling Fight, suggested on Tuesday that the government shutdown may not be resolved for more than two weeks. That would come, he said, when the country reaches its debt limit.
WASHINGTON - Representative Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin, chairman of the House Budget Committee, suggested on Tuesday that the government shutdown may not be resolved for more than two weeks.
That would come, he said, when the country reaches its debt limit.
Noting that previous agreements over the budget had come together around the deadline when the country has reached its statutory borrowing limit, Mr. Ryan said, “We think that will be the forcing mechanism to bring the two parties together. Our goal and motivation here is to get a budget agreement.
Images courtesy CBS News and
How energy efficient is your city? New report ranks 34 largest US cities... a healthier environment and growing economy
How Energy Efficient Is Your City?
A new report ranks 34 major US cities by their energy-use policies.
Does your city have a plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions dramatically? Is it seeking to reduce car use through bike share programs and public transit subsidies? Does it partner with utility companies to help small businesses and homeowners save energy? And does it lobby for statewide energy-efficiency legislation?
Those are just a few of the policies that have made Boston the top-ranked city for energy efficiency, according to a new report from the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. Portland, Ore., placed second, followed by New York, San Francisco, and Seattle.
ACEEE ranked 34 major American cities—the 25 most populous incorporated ones, plus the central cities of nine other major metropolitan areas—according to their efforts to promote energy savings. The report looked at building codes, community-wide energy initiatives, transportation policies, energy-saving programs involving public utilities, and efforts to improve the efficiency of government building. You can see where each city ranked on the map above.
Food Education [Infographic]: nutritious lunch cuts absence by 15%, eating w/ family 5 days/wk 40%+ likely to get straight As/Bs
[Daily Infographic] - The first time I ate a fresh pear, I was roughly twelve years old. The flavor concerned me, and I asked my mom if there was something wrong with it. You see, I grew up on Hamburger Helper, Kraft macaroni and cheese, and Dole fruit cocktail in heavy syrup (still a favorite of mine–the maraschino cherries!). It wasn’t till my twelfth year that my parents finished grad school and finally had the time and money to introduce fresh foods into mine and my sister’s diet. It was a bit of an adjustment. Even at school we were used to eating processed foods.
My sister and I still give our younger brother and sister a hard time for being born a decade after us and getting to take advantage of dad’s newfound love for cooking. This is something that I talk to my dad about a lot, and he says that not finding ways for us to eat healthier earlier is one of his biggest regrets. It has taken me a while, but I have slowly but surely introduced every variety of food into my diet and learned how to cook along the way. Eating and preparing fresh foods brings me so much joy and keeps me healthy. The infographic above discusses the importance of educating children on food, and not just any food, real, healthy food.
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Self-evident: privacy matters? "buzz" headlines: Lavabit, Silent Circle shut down; Gmail under fire; Dem leader: "disturbing"
Huffington Post - Lavabit Founder Ladar Levison On The Shutdown Of Email Service (LIVE VIDEO)
Washington Post - Lavabit, Silent Circle shut down e-mail: What alternatives are left?
Fox News - House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi called the latest reports "extremely disturbing."
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