New method turns banana waste into green textiles, energy
Scientists estimate that the banana agricultural waste in Pakistan could yield 57,488 million cubic meters of syngas.
Scientists from Northumbria University collaborated with academics from the UK and Pakistan to tackle agricultural waste rising from producing bananas and other foods. They developed a new technology to convert banana waste into textile fibres. Further focusing on the ‘best-out-of-waste’ concept, the waste leftover from producing the banana textile will further be employed to produce renewable energy.
This two-part process aims to deliver clean electricity to 50 percent of the rural population of Pakistan predominantly dependent on energy sourced from fossil fuels currently.
Scientists Make Stunning Breakthrough, Turning Banana Peels into Textiles and Renewable Fuels
Off-grid communities in parts of rural Pakistan could soon have access to a reliable source of electricity for the first time thanks to a new project that aims to convert waste from the banana-growing industry into energy.
80 million metric tons of agricultural waste are generated in Pakistan every year from growing bananas. Academics from Northumbria University have now teamed up with partners in the UK and Pakistan to create a new solution that will make use of this waste product and provide benefits for local people at the same time.
Together the project partners are developing an innovative two-part system – the first part of which will use new technology to convert the banana waste into textile fibers, with the second part taking the waste generated from that process and using it to produce renewable energy.
This will not only reduce the environmental impact of Pakistan’s textile industry, but also bring cleaner electricity to the 50% of people living in rural areas of the country who live off-grid and currently rely on fossil fuels for energy.
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