
“Our request is simple: tax us, the very richest in society,” they write in an open letter.
“If elected representatives of the world’s leading economies do not take steps to address the dramatic rise of economic inequality, the consequences will continue to be catastrophic,” the letter writes.

Among the letter’s signatories: Valerie Rockefeller, heir to the American read more


Natural materials such as raw soil, shredded straw, husk, and wood were used to build the “mud house”
Italian 3D printer manufacturer, Wasp, has 3D-printed the first eco-friendly house using earth sourced from the surrounding area. It was constructed in 10 days and the materials cost 900 Euro.

Its construction has been possible due to development read more


The city of Augsburg, in Germany’s beautiful region of Bavaria, is a pleasant, affluent town, known for its 11th-century cathedral and stunning Renaissance buildings. The city grew up amid the commercial revolution of the Middle Ages, and quickly became established as an important trading hub.

In 1514, a new social housing project was born, the first read more


Last week, Google announced that it had formed an AI Ethics committee to assist with the direction of its intelligent technology. This week came an update that few expected – the panel has already been dissolved.
Google has claimed that the committee “can’t function” as it wanted. Although, many believe that the reason for the sudden collapse of the panel read more